Purbeck & District Riding Club – Social Media Policy

The purpose of this social media policy is for the protection of our organisation and our members.
What we do
We Purbeck and District Riding Club use social media and have an official presence on Facebook, where we are known as Purbeck Riding Club. We operate a ‘Closed Members, family and supporters page)
Through the above platform, we proactively communicate and engage with our followers.
We post information on a range of relevant topics. We share updates to keep you informed on activities or developments at our Club. We may ask you for feedback.
We may share permissible photos and content from related parties and choose to answer questions, offer praise and any address any concerns through private messaging, as required.
Where needed we react to post on threads to answer questions, to clarify our position and offer help and promote our services and activities.
Why we do it
Social media is a key tool of brand management, communication and promotion. It’s easiest to think of it as word of mouth in a permanent, publicly accessible form.
We also use social networks to:
- promote our organisation
- drive readers to relevant content on our website
- build our customer base
- raise awareness of our services
- collect feedback on our work
- advertise activities and fundraising
- engage and socialise with our local community
Who does it
Our social media activity is managed by Vic Pearson Club Treasurer and Amber Da Silva
Club Safeguarding Officer.
How we do it and what we allow
All our content is:
- prompt – we respond to all posts and messages asap
- precise – where we’re not sure of an answer or response we will seek further clarification
- timely – related to current news or events, wherever possible
- regular – we aim to provide regular posts
- transparent- we operate an open culture, but we reserve the right to remove negative or complaining content (see the ‘what is not allowed’ criteria below)
What sort of content do we post and share?
Content as identified as above, plus:
- informal engagement with users, eg asking what you did with your horse or if you enjoyed your lesson
How is our social media monitored?
Our social media outlets are monitored regularly at least 4 times a week usually daily
Responses may be made to posts and messages where possible and inappropriate content removed.
What is not allowed?
Wherever possible, we don’t allow the following. If the content cannot be hidden or removed, e.g. where we are referenced in a tweet, the content is not acknowledged or responded to:
- obscene language – we expect the language of content to be appropriate for all
- trolling or posts of a sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory nature
- defamatory content
- advertising or promotional posts
How we deal with complaints
All complaints MUST be put in writing to the committee. If we receive a complaint about a piece of content we have posted, shared, or allowed, we re-examine the content, hide it if necessary while seeking resolution. We hide/delete/allow the content and explain our decision to the complainant, via the same method in which they made the complaint (wherever possible – if a complaint is made publicly but the response is of a sensitive nature, it’s acceptable to publicly acknowledge the complaint and state we’ll respond to it privately. This is so other users know it’s being dealt with, and the complainant knows to look out for a private or direct message).
Knowing when to stop…
We post factual information and guidance but don’t get drawn into arguments between users. If these develop, users should be invited to discuss the issue privately between themselves, or if thought necessary will be invited to put any complaint in writing to the committee who will try and resolve the issue through appropriate mediation. If a situation escalates into ‘not allowed’ content, posts can be removed.
Any discussion thought to be potentially contentious or that develops into a contentious tangent will be monitored regularly both inside and outside of working hours where possible and if appropriate deleted