SOCIAL/NON-RIDING MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION IS £20.00 (This can be upgraded to a full Riding Membership during the year by an additional payment of £10.0)
The annual membership fee runs from 1st January – 31st December, please note that refunds and/or reductions are not available for part year or late joining. Membership is renewable each year and you will receive a reminder along with details of the club AGM. Full details of the benefits of BRC membership can be found at www.britishridingclubs.org.uk
We are in AREA 17 of the BRC movement and regularly enter Teams into the Official Competitions PLEASE ASK BOB IF YOU WANT TO ENTER THESE COMPETITIONS IT IS NOT OUR POLICY TO ASK MEMBERS – IT IS YOUR CHOICE IF YOU WISH TO ENTER. We ask members representing the Club wear our Club colours which can be purchased from our online Shop. (Bob does have some Club saddle cloths available to borrow but XC colours will need to be purchased individually)
If you would like to make an enquiry about membership, please contact info@purbeckridingclub.co.uk for further information.
Junior members are aged under 18 on the 1st January and is for Official RC Competition entry only – Juniors Members pay full membership fees.
You can apply for membership by using the form on the right (this can be used for new members or renewing your membership)
The information you enter is used by us for all BRC admin including your Insurance – so please check it carefully before ‘clicking’ send
No downloading nor printing is required it is a totally automatic process
The annual membership fee runs from 1st January, please note that refunds and/or reduced membership fees are not available for part year or late joining. Membership is renewable each year and you will receive a reminder by email.
Full details of the benefits of BRC membership can be found at www.britishridingclubs.org.uk
Payment are made on line using the new system.
We run a ‘closed’ facebook page for members, members family, coaches and volunteers please make a fb request to join the group. The facebook page is for information and is kept up to date with club photos and event details. ADVERTISING IS NOT ALLOWED there are many other sites available for this. Any member not renewing their membership by the end of June will be deleted from the facebook page to ensure it remains a private group. (if you subsequently rejoin the club you can be added again)
If you have a ‘special’ fb name please let us know when you make your request.
Photographs are taken at some of our events and images of all members, including junior members, caught in video recordings, and/or photographs, taken/recorded at any of our club events maybe used in general publicity, website/social media/British Horse Magazine.
We will send you a Welcome email please look out for it as it may come into your spam. Please READ this carefully as it should contain the information you will require as a member. We do not issue paper updates but keep everyone informed of Activities by email and Facebook. The
If you need any further information, please write to us at:
Membership Secretary,
1 Newport Dairy Cottages,
BH20 7EF